哈尔滨剑桥学院虎年大事揭晓!Events in the Year of the Tiger at Harbin Cambridge University are Announced!


01. Our School President Professor Zhang Fuli was Elected as a Russian Foreign Academicians

On February 16, 2022, the reporter learned from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences that the president of our university, Professor Zhang Fulli, was elected as a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The President and Secretary general of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences sent a letter of congratulations to Professor Zhang Fulli and issued the certificate of election and the certificate of work of the academician.This is a significant move of introducing talents, training application support scientific research and technological innovation is heilongjiang province high level talented person move towards the world, into the international first-class talent team important progress in unremitting efforts.

02. Our University is Ranked at the Top of the 2022 Alumni Association Ranking of Chinese Universities' Top Majors (Application-oriented)

On March 30, 2022, there were 10 six-star majors and 9 five-star majors in the 2022 Ranking of Chinese Universities' First-class Majors (Applied) by the Alumni Association. The total number of five-star and six-star majors ranked among the top application-oriented undergraduate universities in Heilongjiang Province.

03.Our school was Awarded the 20th Provincial Civilized Campus

On April 20, 2022, the Heilongjiang Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Decision on naming the 20th Provincial Advanced Collective for Spiritual Civilization (No. 2 of the Heilongjiang Provincial Cultural Civilization Committee [2022]), and our school won the honorary title of Provincial Civilized Campus. This is another significant landmark achievement of the spiritual civilization construction of our school after being awarded the title of Civilized Campus of University System (Model) by the Education Work Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2019.

04. May Day Gift Package, the School Invite All the Students to Eat Hot Pot, on the Tot Search!

On May 1, 2022, our university’s leaders led a team to deliver 6,600 packages filled with hot pot, lemonade, apples, oranges and snacks to students, making students no longer lonely this May Day and becoming a university in the eyes of others.The topic of the students' comments said they were too cold, so the headmaster invited the whole school to eat hot pot rushed to the top of the hot search list in Harbin, and was reprinted by the weibo Heilongjiang Education of the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province.

05.Three Majors of Our University have been Identified as First-class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites in Heilongjiang Province

On June 7, 2022, the General Office of the Ministry of Education announced the 2021 list of national and provincial first-class undergraduate programs.The three majors of automobile service engineering, electrical engineering and automation, and accounting of our university have been recognized as first-class undergraduate majors construction sites in Heilongjiang Province. This is a new breakthrough in the major construction of our school after the preschool education major was identified as the provincial first-class undergraduate major construction point in 2019. HCU is among the best in the province in terms of the number of provincial first-class undergraduate programs.

06.Our University has Cooperated with Shenyang University of Technology and Bohai University to Build a Joint Training Base for Graduate Students

In June 2022, the university jointly established a postgraduate joint training base with Shenyang University of Technology and Bohai University. With the completion of the graduate joint training base, our university and the partner schools will mobilize their respective resource advantages, strengthen scientific research cooperation and academic exchanges, actively explore the way of graduate training, and improve the quality of talent training. Joint training of professional degree and master's degree graduates will be carried out in preschool education, primary education, electrical and electronic, mechanical and other related majors In the future.

07.Our School Carried out the Teacher Class Professional Certification Expert Group Inspection Work

From June 6th to 9th, 2022, a group of 7 teachers 'professional certification experts from the Ministry of Education conducted an on-site examination on the secondary certification of preschool education major of our school. In strict accordance with the established examination plan, the expert group had a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the construction of preschool education and the results of talent training through on-site visits, lectures, information access, one-to-one interviews, teacher-student seminars, etc., and completed the on-site examination with high quality.

08.Our Students Won the International Second Prize in the 2022 American College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling

On May 7, 2022, the winning results of the 2022 American College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling were announced. The team composed of Wang Ying (School of Intelligent and Electrical and Electronic Engineering) and Lin Chao (School of Intelligent and Electrical and Electronic Engineering) from 2019 and Yu Jingang (School of Automotive and Mechanical and Electrical Engineering) from 2021 stood out among tens of thousands of teams around the world. It was the first time for our school to organize students to participate in the competition. This award also realized our school's historic breakthrough in this competition.

09.Our University has been Approved to Set up Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base

On December 26, 2022, the establishment of Heilongjiang Post-doctoral Innovation Practice Base in 2022 organized by the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Heilongjiang Province came to an end. Our school has been approved to set up Heilongjiang Province postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base. This symbolizes that our school has reached a new height in promoting the combination of production, university and research and strengthening the cultivation of high-level talents, which has created a new situation for the scientific research and innovation work of our school and has a milestone significance for the development and construction of our school. Our university is the first private university to set up a provincial postdoctoral innovation practice base in Heilongjiang Province.